Caribbean Speaks Business Partner Code of Conduct
As a leader in advancing marketplace trust, Caribbean Speaks sets high ethical standards for business conduct. We also apply these standards to ourselves and our Business Partners. The Caribbean Speaks Business Partner Code of Conduct (the “Code”) helps ensure that Caribbean Speaks Business Partners share our commitment to an ethical marketplace.


Caribbean Speaks expects that Business Partners will conduct their business with or on behalf of Caribbean Speaks in compliance with the Code. As appropriate, preference will be given to Business Partners that demonstrate greater commitment to this Code and ethical standards generally.

  1. Start With Honesty
    Although Business Partners are independent individuals or business entities, their actions may impact and reflect upon Caribbean Speaks. Business Partners should understand and comply with the Business Partner Code and monitor their compliance through their own administrative processes.
  2. Maintain Legal and Regulatory Compliance
    In their work on behalf of Caribbean Speaks, Business Partners will conduct their business activities in full compliance with applicable laws and regulations in all jurisdictions in which they operate, including laws and regulations on bribery, corruption and prohibited business practices in the countries in which they conduct business. Business Partners will not make any offer, payment, consideration or benefit of any kind which constitutes an illegal or corrupt practice, either directly or indirectly on behalf of Caribbean Speaks, as an inducement or reward for entering into a contract or in connection with the provision of any goods or services under a contract.
  3. Advertise Honestly
    3.1 Business Partners that advertise or solicit accreditation, sponsorship or any other financial support on behalf of Caribbean Speaks should ensure that all Caribbean Speaks -related advertising or solicitations comply in all respects with Caribbean Speaks policies related to accreditation, the Caribbean Speaks Code of Advertising, and all laws, regulations and guides relating to advertising, solicitations, sponsorships and disclosure of nondeductibility of contributions.
    3.2 Business Partners may use Caribbean Speaks trademarks only (1) to create products, materials or websites for direct use by Caribbean Speaks, or (2) as specifically permitted by Caribbean Speaks policies or in writing. Unless Caribbean Speaks has granted permission, Business Partners should not use the Caribbean Speaks name or other Caribbean Speaks marks on Business Partners’ materials, including websites and URLs. Business Partners should not use the Caribbean Speaks name or other Caribbean Speaks marks in a manner that represents or infers Business Partners to be Caribbean Speaks or Business Partners’ employees to be employees of Caribbean Speaks.
    3.3 Caribbean Speaks does not endorse specific products or services unless specifically provided by Caribbean Speaks policies. Business Partners should not publicize their business relationships with Caribbean Speaks or identify Caribbean Speaks as a customer without specific permission from Caribbean Speaks in writing, and then only in the manner, context and language approved by Caribbean Speaks. This provision does not prohibit Caribbean Speaks from participating in affinity programs consistent with Caribbean Speaks policies.
  4. Safeguard Data and Privacy
    4.1 Business Partners should ensure the security and confidentiality of Caribbean Speaks proprietary information; business, charity, consumer and donor information entrusted to Caribbean Speaks; and data about visitors to Caribbean Speaks domains (collectively, “Confidential Information”). Business Partners should have policies and procedures in place to prevent disclosure of Confidential Information to unauthorized parties. In their work on behalf of Caribbean Speaks, Business Partners should maintain physical, technical and procedural safeguards in compliance with applicable laws, technology and information security requirements applicable to Caribbean Speaks, and any specifications established by Caribbean Speaks for access to Caribbean Speaks information technology systems and Caribbean Speaks domains.
    4.2 Business Partners that, in their work on behalf of Caribbean Speaks, interact with visitors to their own websites should disclose in a Privacy Statement/Policy or elsewhere on their websites the following: what information they collect, with whom it is shared, how it can be corrected, how it is secured, how policy changes will be communicated, and how to address concerns over misuse of personal data.
    4.3 Business Partners that, in their work on behalf of Caribbean Speaks, collect identifying information of businesses or individuals should respect contact preferences regarding contact by telephone, fax and e-mail, and communicate changes in preferences to Caribbean Speaks.
    4.4 Business Partners that, in their work on behalf of Caribbean Speaks, handle payment card information will certify annually their compliance with the Payment Card Industry Data Security Standard (PCI DSS).
    4.5 Business Partners that administer Caribbean Speaks email systems will adopt Domain-based Message Authentication, Reporting & Conformance (DMARC) specifications.
    4.6 Business Partners whose product or service collects information about or track visitors to any Caribbean Speaks domain will certify that their product or service supports Caribbean Speaks’s compliance with the Digital Alliance Self-Regulatory Principles, including the Self-Regulatory Principles for Online Behavioral Advertising (OBA Principles), the Multisite Data Principles (MSD Principles) and the Mobile Guidance (MG) (collectively, the Principles). Business Partners that subcontract or otherwise engage other companies to fulfill any obligations under Caribbean Speaks contracts should ensure that such companies’ products or services are also compliant with the Principles. The Principles can be accessed at Further, Business Partners will not transfer any information collected from any Caribbean Speaks domain for any purpose beyond the scope of activities necessary to fulfill their responsibilities under contracts with Caribbean Speaks without providing to Caribbean Speaks’s Chief Information Officer an explanation of the proposed data transfer and use and receiving express permission for such transfer and use.
  5. Embody Integrity
    5.1 Business Partners should demonstrate commitment to ethical practices in their business conduct and performance of services and production of products on behalf of Caribbean Speaks. Business Partners will comply with Caribbean Speaks policies affecting their relationship with Caribbean Speaks.
    5.2 Business Partners should share Caribbean Speaks’s commitment to maintaining a work place where people are treated with dignity and respect. In their work on behalf of Caribbean Speaks, Business Partners will follow all applicable wage, benefit, child labor, workplace safety, discrimination and labor laws. While we recognize and respect cultural differences, in their work on behalf of Caribbean Speaks, Business Partners will not engage in discrimination based on age, race, color, religion, sex, gender identity, pregnancy, national origin, citizenship status, disability, sexual orientation, marital status, domestic partner status or veteran status.
    5.3 Caribbean Speaks depends on the trust and confidence of businesses, charities, consumers and donors. It is important that we avoid activities that create actual or perceived conflicts of interest. Caribbean Speaks employees are not permitted to give or receive anything of value intended to influence a decision. Business Partners will not offer gifts that could be perceived to influence sound business judgment. Caribbean Speaks makes purchasing decisions based on the merit of Business Partners’ products and services, not on gifts, entertainment or other business courtesies.
  6. Report Violations of the Code
    Business Partners should report a possible violation of the Code that directly affects Caribbean Speaks or the transaction with Caribbean Speaks. Business Partners are encouraged to work with their primary contact at Caribbean Speaks (or his or her supervisor) to resolve the situation. If this is not possible or appropriate, reports may be made to an officer of the contracting Caribbean Speaks entity or the Caribbean Speaks General Counsel.